PoiNtEr->: HTML5 Speech Recognition

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

HTML5 Speech Recognition

(Requires Chrome browser).
Note: The demo uses the Google Speech API. At the time of this writing, not all browsers yet support this HTML5 feature. We have found it works in Google Chrome. Furthermore, I have only tested it successfully with Windows 7.
The only change was to replace
<input type="text" size="60" name="input"/>

<input type="text" size="60" name="input" x-webkit-speech />

There are a couple of "tricks" you need to know to test the speech API:
1. Click on the little mic icon to begin speaking. The speech API will detect when you have finished speaking and, when it has finished processing, will display the text it detected in the text area.
2. If you are satisfied with what the speech API detected, click the "Say" button to transmit it to the bot.
The quality of the speech recognition may not seem very high. There are a number of factors that affect the accuracy of speech recognition: the quality of the microphone, background noise, the accent of the speaker, the type of sound card on your computer and so on.
Enabling Chrome Voice API
The Chrome voice recognition API may not be enabled by default. Follow these steps to create a shortcut to Chrome with voice recognition enabled.
1. Create a desktop shortcut to Google chrome with copy and paste. (You may also want to rename this shortcut something like "Chrome Voice").
2. Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties"
3. On the Shortcut tab, modify the Target field to include the flag "–enable-speech-input". For example if the Target was originally
change it to
C:\Users\drwallace\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –enable-speech-input
4. Click OK and use this Chrome Voice shortcut to enable speech recognition

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